You will find these print books in the EMS Learning Commons and you can use them during Ms. Sedey's class for research. You can also click on Sora to check out the eBook on your iPad.
Save the People! by Stacy McAnulty; Nicole Miles (Illustrator)Explores the events of five mass extinctions in Earth's history in which 70-95 percent of all species died out. Taking a chronological approach, the author explains what life was like, what creatures we know to have existed, what the atmosphere and geography looked like, and theories about what may have happened.
Tracking Tortoises by Kate Messner; Jake Messner (Photographer)Once a plentiful group of gentle giants, the Galapagos giant tortoise species now faces extinction due to hunting and climate change. A dedicated group of researches seeks to save the creatures through targeted efforts to protect them on the Galapagos Islands. The scientist team studies their habits, monitors nests, diligently keeps track of populations, and often provides protection for hatchlings.
The Snowy Owl Scientist by Mark WilsonFollows scientist Denver Holt as he researches snowy owls in Alaska. Provides an illustrated, detailed look at Holt's work, and suggests ways readers can help snowy owls.
How to Change Everything by Naomi Klein; Rebecca Stefoff (Adapted by)Breaks down the subject of climate change into three components for young readers, explaining causes for concerns around the globe, historical information about human abuses, and actionable steps to reverse or slow the damage.
Conservation Canines by Isabelle Groc; Anjelica Huston (Foreword by)This nonfiction book explores the various ways dogs help with conservation and environmental efforts, from sniffing out poachers, to keeping reintroduced predators such as bears and wolves from attacking cattle (and thus keeping farmers from attacking vulnerable wildlife), to discovering the scat of endangered animals so that scientists can study it.
Breaking the Mold by Dana Alison Levy (Contribution by)Profiles sixteen climate scientists from minority and marginalized communities. Explains the work they do, how they persevered in their fields in spite of the obstacles, and how they are making a difference in the fight against climate change and pollution.
Grizzly Bears by Frances BackhouseDescribes grizzly bears' physical traits, behaviors, habitat, life cycle, and diet. Examines their extinction rates in North America, conservation efforts to save them, and how humans can coexist with grizzly bears. Includes fact boxes, profiles of individuals' encounters and relationship with grizzly bears, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.
Back from the Brink by Nancy F. CastaldoChronicles the human intervention used to save seven endangered species, including whooping cranes, bald eagles, and wolves. Discusses the causes of the dwindling populations, and the various recovery efforts that took place to improve the animals' ecosystem.
Camp Panda by Catherine ThimmeshExplores the work that people do at Camp Panda to help raise and foster wild panda bears, being careful to raise them as wild pandas so that they can one day return to the wild.